Home Gold Arrow Fitness

Gold Arrow Fitness

Take It Easy

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If you are lacking consistency with weight loss, literally take it easy by reducing the difficulty. Making things easier allows you to form habits. Once those habits have taken root you can gradually make them harder. But if you aren’t even showing up then you have to fix that first and foremost.

Where I Fail

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Almost all of us have recurring points of failure. Times when we go left instead of right. Zig instead of zag. Ironically, we usually know what we’re supposed to do at these moments but for one reason or another we drop the ball. I’m talking about the times when we know we should be starting […]

Who Are You?

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Muhammad Ali is one of the most celebrated sports figures of all time. His dominance in the ring is undeniable. But one thing that he achieved beyond his accomplishments was an identity. He thought of himself as a champion first and foremost. That identity drove him to do all the things he needed to do […]

You Don’t Need Nuthin’

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Right now it’s hard not to feel restricted. Almost everything is closed. In most states you aren’t supposed to go anywhere unless it’s essential. But what about staying on top of your exercise? I’ll admit that hitting the gym or showing up for an exercise class is very convenient. Right now some people are being […]

Win The Day

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No one could have imagined the world-wide impact of COVID-19 just a short month ago. Today it dominates the headlines and has brought much of the world to a halt. It came out of nowhere to leave its mark on human history. In these overwhelming times it is more important than ever to break big […]

HPWL – Episode 6

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Create your own custom process for weight loss at HabitPoweredWeightLoss.com

Did You Pencil In Your Success?

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Ironically, the biggest thing holding back your success might be that you’re not putting it on your schedule! What do I mean by this? While we might not be able to directly control outcomes, we absolutely control the behavior that produces successful outcomes. Shift your focus from the outcome itself to what you have to […]

HPWL – Episode 5

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Create your own custom process for weight loss at HabitPoweredWeightLoss.com

HPWL – Episode 4

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Create your own custom process for weight loss at HabitPoweredWeightLoss.com

Bulls**t Weight Loss Advice

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Weight loss advice hits us from all sides. Eliminate carbs and get motivated. Take this pill and buy this exercise equipment. Join a gym, eat more protein, use this app, fast every other day, don’t eat after 6pm. It’s endless. Some of it may be helpful but in my opinion it over complicates a simple […]

How to Become a Machine

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Have you ever went out to mow the lawn and had your lawnmower tell you that it didn’t feel like mowing right now? Me either. That’s the advantage machines have over humans. They don’t have feelings, they just do the work. The funny thing about humans is that we almost always know what we need […]

HPWL – Episode 3

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Create your own custom process for weight loss at HabitPoweredWeightLoss.com

What Jocko Gets WRONG About Discipline

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Find out what Jocko Willink gets WRONG about discipline.

Hold the Weak Sauce and Start Losing Weight!

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Not to go off on a rant but too often people approach weight loss with a horribly weak mindset. Some people abandon their plan at the first feeling of discomfort or inconvenience. If weight loss was easy then there wouldn’t be a billion dollar industry surrounding it.  Sometimes we expect a product to be the […]

HPWL – Episode 2

Gold Arrow Fitness 0
Create your own custom process for weight loss at HabitPoweredWeightLoss.com