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Who Are You?

Who Are You?


Muhammad Ali is one of the most celebrated sports figures of all time. His dominance in the ring is undeniable. But one thing that he achieved beyond his accomplishments was an identity. He thought of himself as a champion first and foremost. That identity drove him to do all the things he needed to do to stay on top.

Many athletes from Tom Brady to Michael Jordan think of themselves in a similar way. They identify as champions and then it manifests on the playing field. They believe they will throw the game-winning touchdown pass or hit the game-winning shot because that’s who they are.

More importantly, their identities drive them to prepare like champions. Ali, Brady and Jordan are all known for being obsessive competitors. Their preparation positions them to win.

Of course just because you think a certain way about yourself doesn’t mean it will become reality. If you think that you are presidential, it doesn’t mean that you will go on to become president. But it’s also probably true that you have to believe that you can become president to accomplish something like that.

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear talks about the massive power of identity. Being a certain kind of person will drive you to do certain things. For instance, you would never imagine Ali giving up in the middle of a fight. He was a warrior who would likely die before quitting. He changed his name early in his career from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali. He clearly thought of himself in a very specific way.

How can you change your identity to help you lose weight? First, you need to prove to yourself that you are indeed the person you aspire to be. In Habit Powered Weight Loss you fill out a calendar every night with behaviors you did on that day. At the end of the month you get a grade for how well you did. If you see yourself getting A’s month after month you are going to start to see yourself differently. As the scale goes down you will see yourself differently too. But it all starts with proof that you are a certain kind of person; the kind of person who eats right and exercises. Will today contain your first step toward a new identity?