Home Weight Loss Coaching

Weight Loss Coaching

Want a more personalized path to weight loss? Then weight loss coaching is for you. Go through the 8 week Habit Powered Weight Loss program with one-on-one guidance from me! Weekly emails, food log monitoring and coaching tips will give you insight into your behavior.

Weight loss coaching is a one time payment of $399 and includes lifetime access to self-guided Habit Powered Weight Loss ($49 value). Submit the form below and I will contact you soon with more details!

Why It Works

For the last 12 years I’ve been working one-on-one with clients to improve their health. Weight loss is the number one priority for most people. Losing weight is difficult, not because we don’t know how to do it, but because it involves changing our behavior.

Our behavior is so ingrained in us that even making the smallest changes can seem impossible. There is good news however. A field of study called behavioral science helps us understand how we function and how we can change our behavior. I discovered that this needs to be the primary focus of weight loss. Everything else is secondary.

For example, I can give anyone a fool-proof plan to lose weight. They will know exactly what to eat and what exercises to do. I can even provide them with all the resources like a gym membership and personal shopper. But unless someone actually follows the plan, it won’t work.

The human mind works best with a short-term focus. We do very well with what’s in front of us and we learn best when feedback is immediate. Unfortunately, weight loss is not a short-term process. It often takes several weeks or months to achieve and humans are not well equipped to deal with these long-term scenarios. Especially when feedback (scale going down) is so delayed and there is so much uncertainty involved.

My weight loss coaching is so effective because it recognizes that we need to break down the process into pieces that humans are better at dealing with. My process helps shorten the feedback loop by making the daily behaviors required to lose weight the primary focus.

Coaching further helps people lose weight by giving them the right information at the right time. Sometimes a pep talk is needed, sometimes it’s a recipe suggestion, sometimes it’s pinpointing a problem and coming up with an alternative solution, sometimes it’s reminding someone of how far they’ve come and sometimes it’s helping someone remember why they’re trying to lose weight in the fist place. No matter what it is, I will be there to deliver you the right help at the right time. Submit the form below to get started!