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STOP Re-failing!

STOP Re-failing!


A common strategy for weight loss is returning to what has “worked” before. Sometimes people go back to the same approach dozens of times. But if you take a step back and think about it, that strategy has failed them over and over again! Why would it produce a different result this time?

It’s not like someone wants to be fit for a few weeks and then never again. Most people want to be fit all the time. If that’s what you want, don’t buy into any method that doesn’t deliver. Yes, I’m talking about all the 30-day challenges, etc.

If you design a lifestyle to facilitate fitness, fitness is what you shall receive. You hear the word lifestyle all the time but what does a fit lifestyle actually look like? It doesn’t look like an Under Armor commercial on TV. A lot of fit people probably wouldn’t even describe their lifestyle as fit. It’s just the way they live.

I would argue that the vast majority of healthy behaviors exist in the sub-conscious mind, meaning they are habitual and require little thought. Fit people eat healthy because they aren’t choosing what to eat, they habitually eat healthy food. They aren’t choosing whether to exercise or not. Exercise is just part of their routine and they couldn’t imagine it otherwise.

There is actually a scientific way to build healthy habits. I built my entire Habit Powered Weight Loss program on the back of this process. Habits are one proven way to achieve permanent weight loss. Stop failing by using the same flawed process over and over. Leverage habits to achieve what you want and you will be amazed with the results!