Are You Winning the Moment?

Gold Arrow Fitness
Every day you are faced with a few critical moments where you can either do the right thing or the wrong thing. Are you winning them? Some examples of key moments are when it’s time to exercise, when it’s time to eat, when it’s time to buy groceries and when it’s time to sleep. Are […]

Forget Hustle Culture

Gold Arrow Fitness
It took me a while to learn what the term hustle culture meant. As it turned out I already knew what it was. Blog defines hustle culture as “Constant working. It means devoting as much of your day as possible to working – hustling. There is no time out or time in at work. […]

What Play Do You Call?

Gold Arrow Fitness
When the pressure is on in the big game, players and coaches already have an idea of what they’re going to do. They have specific plays to run in certain scenarios. Their plan is usually determined before the season even starts so judgement isn’t clouded when everything is on the line. Likewise, when you get […]

Science Sucks

Gold Arrow Fitness
I get annoyed when I see a headline that starts with “New Study Finds…” It adds confusion to what people should be doing to be healthy. Health is simple and I highly doubt any new study is going to change what’s tried and true.

STOP Re-failing!

Gold Arrow Fitness
A common strategy for weight loss is returning to what has “worked” before. Sometimes people go back to the same approach dozens of times. But if you take a step back and think about it, that strategy has failed them over and over again! Why would it produce a different result this time? It’s not […]

Take It Easy

Gold Arrow Fitness
If you are lacking consistency with weight loss, literally take it easy by reducing the difficulty. Making things easier allows you to form habits. Once those habits have taken root you can gradually make them harder. But if you aren’t even showing up then you have to fix that first and foremost.