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Lose It App is the Best Fitness App

Lose It App is the Best Fitness App


Are you looking for the best fitness app? Then the Lose It app is what you’re looking for! Lose It has a variety of features to help you lose weight and reach your goals.

How Lose It Works

Lose It can be used on a phone, tablet or desktop. It doesn’t matter what device you use Lose It on but you should have that device with you most of the time. Apps like Lose It are best suited for cell phones. This is because cell phones are with us most of the time.

Entering food into the Lose It app as soon as you eat it is paramount to Lose It’s effectiveness. Food must go into Lose It before it goes into your mouth! Following this ONE RULE alone will almost guarantee you some degree of success.


When you set up your Lose It account it will collect data like your age, gender, height and current body weight. That information will help calculate your calorie budget and project your future progress. Charts and graphs help give a visual representation of how you’re doing, making the app intuitive and easy to understand.

Logged food gives you a plethora of valuable data. Calories tell you how well you’re staying within your daily energy budget. You can see both how many calories you’ve consumed as well as how many calories you still have available. Lose It also lets you know how many calories you’ve went over budget if that is the case.


Macro-nutrients are another valuable data point. Macros tell you if you’re eating the proper ratios of carbs, fats and proteins. Each macro-nutrient does different things to your body. Understanding how each one works will give you the ability to help regulate things like hunger and blood sugar.

About 50% of calories should come from carbohydrates. 10-30% of calories should come from fats and 15-30% of calories should come from protein. Staying within these ranges will ensure your body is getting what it needs. If macros become out of balance then that could lead to a variety of issues. For example if too many calories come from fat (9 calories/gram) you are going to receive a lot of energy from relatively little food volume. You’re going to stack up the calories and not feel as full as you would from equal calories of carbs or protein (both 4 calories/gram).

Eating too many carbohydrates can lead to larger fluctuations in blood sugar and deprive your body of proteins and fats used for muscle repair and nervous system function, respectively. These are just a few examples of why macro-nutrient balance is important. Needless to say there are many more.

Why Lose It Works

Weight loss occurs over relatively long periods of time. This means that sometimes progress occurs so slowly that people feel like they’re failing. Humans crave immediate feedback for behavior, which incentivizes future behavior. The sooner someone can get feedback the better. Unfortunately, that isn’t going to happen with weight loss. But that is exactly why the Lose It App is such a game changer!

Lose It gives you real time feedback about your food choices. Visually seeing your available calories plummet when you enter that cheese burger is going to provide immediate feedback for eating the cheese burger. You aren’t going to see the cheese burger reflected on the scale or in the mirror immediately but you will see it in Lose It. Lose It tightens the feedback loop, making it the perfect tool to connect your food choices to desired outcomes in real time.

Long term use of Lose It will reveal even more information. It can help identify habits that someone was previously unaware of. Lose It can also identify major sources of bad calories. If you start looking at when calories tend to spike then you can tie those spikes to what someone was doing at the time. Triggers for certain behaviors start showing up and it goes on from there.

The BIGGEST Mistake to Avoid!

Because of how critical a short feedback loop is to behavior, it’s imperative that anyone who uses Lose It log their food BEFORE it goes into their mouth! Sometimes people won’t log their food when they’re eating it. This is the biggest mistake you can make. Logging food before you eat it can influence what you eat before you eat it!

Don’t save food logging for the end of the day. This counteracts Lose It’s most effective characteristic. Logging food after you eat it doesn’t give you immediate feedback and doesn’t give you a brief second to change your decision if you want to. People who don’t log their food before they eat it will not receive the full benefits of the Lose It App.


Several scientific studies tout the relationship between food logging and weight loss. People who log their food lose more weight than those who don’t. Those are just the facts. Lose It is even more effective when paired with a Fitness & Weight Loss Coach. A Gold Arrow Fitness coach has access to all the information a client enters into the Lose It app. A coach uses their experience and insight to convert this data into actionable tasks that can further aid in weight loss.