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Hold the Weak Sauce and Start Losing Weight!

Hold the Weak Sauce and Start Losing Weight!


Not to go off on a rant but too often people approach weight loss with a horribly weak mindset. Some people abandon their plan at the first feeling of discomfort or inconvenience. If weight loss was easy then there wouldn’t be a billion dollar industry surrounding it. 

Sometimes we expect a product to be the magical solution, allowing us to bypass the actual work required. Changing behavior is hard and requires effort. But thankfully there is research on behavioral science that helps us understand ourselves and lessens the workload. 

Do you know what is required to lose weight? A calorie deficit, that’s it. So simple yet so hard at the same time. Start your journey by knowing that some parts will be hard and it will take a while. If that’s too much for you to handle then don’t try to lose weight. Second, have a vision that you can reflect back on when times are tough. Third, remember there will NEVER be anything you can’t do on any one day. 

The third point is incredibly important. If you look at everything you have to do to lose let’s say 25 pounds, it can be overwhelming and you might start to shy away from the task at hand. But the beauty is that all you have to do on any one day is that day’s work!

Habit Powered Weight Loss focuses on one eating and one exercise behavior each day. That’s it. There are a bunch of behaviors to choose from too, ranging from super easy to super hard. This allows someone to break down weight loss into digestible parts, no pun intended. 

Imagine what all the food you will eat in 2020 would look like if it was all on one table at one time. If someone told you to sit down and eat it you couldn’t do it. But the reality is you are going to eat all that food one meal, or better yet one bite, at a time throughout the year. That’s definitely something you can do and it’s the same with weight loss. Don’t look at the entire journey all at once and that will help you hold the weak sauce and lose weight in 2020!

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