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Did You Pencil In Your Success?

Did You Pencil In Your Success?


Ironically, the biggest thing holding back your success might be that you’re not putting it on your schedule! What do I mean by this? While we might not be able to directly control outcomes, we absolutely control the behavior that produces successful outcomes.

Shift your focus from the outcome itself to what you have to do to get that outcome. In Habit Powered Weight Loss we focus on a process for losing weight more than actually losing weight. If we find that we are not losing enough weight all we do is adjust the process. But no matter what, we remain focused on the process.

Sticking to a process means finding the time to do certain things. If part of your process for weight loss involves meal prepping, when are you going to spend time meal prepping? If part of your process involves exercise, when are you going to exercise? When these activities don’t have any space in your life to occur then they probably won’t happen.

Can being successful be as simple as scheduling what you need to do? Yes! Sometimes the hardest part of getting things done is setting aside time to do them. Keeping a schedule or calendar addresses the main logistical barrier for doing what you need to do. I would even say it’s the main overall barrier because what we need to do for weight loss is rarely that hard.

Finally, putting things on your schedule or calendar is a form of pre-commitment. Humans have a natural desire to be consistent with what they say and do. Putting something on your calendar will give you extra incentive to follow through so you can remain consistent.

While you might not be able to schedule your success directly, you can definitely schedule the things that will lead to your success. When will success find its way into your schedule?

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