Home Recipe Chickpea Salad Sandwich

Chickpea Salad Sandwich


Chickpea Salad Sandwich rocks! It’s a great vegan substitute for chicken salad or egg salad. Enjoy!

Ingredients: 1 Can Chickpeas a.k.a. Garbanzo Beans (439g), 1/2 Sweet Onion (166g), 1 Stalk Celery (40g), About 20 Red Grapes (100g), 3 Tbsp Vegan Mayonnaise (42g), 1 Tbsp Yellow Mustard (15.6g), Salt to Taste, Pepper to Taste, Dill Weed to Taste.

The type of bread you use is up to you. I recommend Ezekiel Bread or another sprouted grain bread.

Enter the information below into the custom foods section of your Lose It app. The below information does not include the bread! Nutrition information is per gram of ONLY the Chickpea Salad: 1.03 Calories, 0.05 Fat (g), 0.12 Carb (g), 0.03 Protein (g).