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Gold Arrow Fitness
The number one way I’m setting myself up for success is I’m giving myself enough TIME! We all want results fast, myself included. But in real life big things take time. Contact me for information on the program or weight loss coaching!

All or Nothing

Gold Arrow Fitness
Stop looking at weight loss as all or nothing. You don’t have to exercise for 2 hours and eat perfect in a day to see results. Just keep doing the best you can with what you have and over the long run that will be enough.

Science Sucks

Gold Arrow Fitness
I get annoyed when I see a headline that starts with “New Study Finds…” It adds confusion to what people should be doing to be healthy. Health is simple and I highly doubt any new study is going to change what’s tried and true.

Take It Easy

Gold Arrow Fitness
If you are lacking consistency with weight loss, literally take it easy by reducing the difficulty. Making things easier allows you to form habits. Once those habits have taken root you can gradually make them harder. But if you aren’t even showing up then you have to fix that first and foremost.