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Gold Arrow Fitness

HPWL – Episode 1

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Create your own custom process for weight loss at HabitPoweredWeightLoss.com

The Cult of Competition

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It’s perfectly natural to benchmark ourselves against our peers. This starts at a very early age. School children receive good grades for academic achievement and win trophies for athletic performance. Later on people compete to get into certain schools or work at certain companies. Then it’s competing for a certain job title or social status. […]

Forget goals, get a vision!

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One of the most critical components of any endeavor is a clear vision. In weight loss, a vision is usually misunderstood or flat out missing. To be more clear let’s define what a vision is not. A vision is not losing 10 pounds. A vision is not running a 5k. A vision is not working […]

It’s the most wonderful time of the year (for weight gain)

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This article is based on the Habit Powered Weight Loss program. Newsletter subscribers receive a special discount. Sign up for the free newsletter today and save! The holiday season is here and we all know what that means. Cookies, dips, candy, chocolate, eggnog, pies and the list goes on. It’s the most calorie dense time […]

Is Something Better Than Nothing?

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An age old question that’s often asked when it comes to exercise: is doing a little something better than doing nothing? If you only had 15 minutes, is doing a short workout better than no workout at all? I think most of us intuitively know the answer to this. Of course it is! But I […]

Why You Can’t Take the Weekend Off

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Ahh the weekend. Time for a little R and R. Let all the worries of the week melt away. Forget about things for a few days before Monday comes around. Unfortunately, this is a recipe for disaster when it comes to your weight loss. I understand as much as anybody that weekends are precious. They […]

Crabs in a Bucket

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I can’t even tell you where I first heard this metaphor. But it’s perfect for an issue that is surprisingly common with weight loss. I’ll tell you the metaphor fist and then explain the connection (if I even need to). The crabs Once upon a time a man was walking along a beach and came […]

How Retail Are You?

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Perhaps no space has had more thought put into its design than a retail store. A retail store’s layout is central to its success. Every inch matters and that’s why entire fields of study have been devoted to their design. Floor plans and end caps are meticulously thought out. Signage is strategically placed. Have you […]

Feast or Famine: Why Food Logging is Necessary for Your Weight Loss

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Calories in versus calories out. This simple relationship is the foundation of your body weight. Eat more calories than you burn and you will gain weight. Eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. Most people know this. But if the concept behind body weight so simple and so well known, why […]

Play YOUR Game

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On February 7, 1994 a professional ballplayer signed a contract with a new team. The season began with optimism. The crack of wood bats, the sound of balls slamming into mitts and dust rising off the infield were all classic baseball. But as the season wore on nothing spectacular materialized. After batting just .202 with […]

If you already broke your resolution, you probably made this mistake

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Ahh mid January. Freezing temperatures, playoff football and the end of many New Year’s resolutions. I don’t mean to be negative but the numbers don’t lie. According to U.S. News, about 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. I know it’s only January but if your resolution has already gone by the […]

How to Bury a Bad Habit

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Perhaps nothing has given me more insight into human behavior than observing my own child. My son is almost two years old now. Watching him develop up to this point has been truly fascinating. He seemingly imitates everything, and with astonishing detail. Little things that I wasn’t even aware I did will be brought to […]

You might have a capsule wardrobe but can you have a capsule diet?

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The concept of a capsule wardrobe was recently introduced to me. One of my clients explained what it was during a personal training session. I must admit that fashion isn’t really where I thrive. If you said that I’m no Giorgio Armani it would be giving me too much credit. I’m not even a Levi […]

Have you set a fitness goal for the new year? You might want to reconsider.

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It seems like a new year and fitness goals have been going hand in hand forever. It’s only natural since a new year offers a fresh start, a blank slate or whatever you want to call it. A new year means it’s time to leave all the slacking and laziness behind and straighten up! But […]

Willpower is for Losers

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My favorite investor is Peter Thiel. His resume speaks for itself. He was a co-founder of PayPal and the first outside investor in Facebook. Along with several other successful ventures, it’s safe to say that Peter is doing just fine. Peter wrote a book called Zero to One in 2014. In his book he talks […]